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Sen. Paul Touts ‘Smoking Gun’ Evidence Of Fauci’s Lies

Chris Agee
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Months after Dr. Anthony Fauci stepped down from his roles as chief White House medical adviser and director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, an ardent rival in the U.S. Senate continues to push for accountability.

Last month, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) filed a criminal referral related to an email that he said proved Fauci lied when he testified that the U.S. did not fund gain-of-function viral research in China. 

The Kentucky Republican appeared on Fox News on Thursday to elaborate on the action.


“I don’t think there has ever been a clearer case of perjury in the history of government testimony,” Paul said. “And I don’t say that lightly.”

Asserting that Fauci “said adamantly that the government never funded this gain-of-function research,” he noted that the U.S. Government Accountability Office admitted such funding originated from the National Institutes of Health. 

“We have the acting director of the NIH [Lawrence] Tabak admitting it in writing that it came from the NIH,” Paul added. “But now we have really the smoking gun — that is Fauci in private saying the opposite of what he was saying in public.”

Even as Fauci testified under oath that the U.S. did not provide funding for gain-of-function research in China, Paul said that evidence shows he not only acknowledged funding it in private conversations but also expressed concerns that the results of such testing had been manipulated.

“He then goes on to describe the research and it’s exactly the research that the NIH funded,” the senator said. “So, he is caught dead right here.”


Despite what Paul described as seemingly insurmountable evidence, he was less than optimistic about the criminal referral’s chances of resulting in criminal charges against Fauci — particularly under the current administration.

“We have an incredibly partisan Attorney General [Merrick] Garland who is refusing to act,” he complained. “So, I have taken the extraordinary step of actually going to the local U.S. Attorney in D.C. to see if he will act. Now, the problem is there are partisans littered throughout the legal system and people are seeing this. You don’t get prosecuted if you are a Democrat under this administration no matter what you do.”

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