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Shocking New Information Revealed About Jan. 6 DNC Pipe Bomb

Anastasia Boushee
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The federal government’s original story about the pipe bomb outside of DNC headquarters was missing a significant amount of details, and new information has emerged that has commentators questioning whether the entire story was a lie and a “massive coverup.”

In a recent episode of BlazeTV’s “The News & Why It Matters” with host Sara Gonzales, the panel discussed a new report revealing that the government had lied about who really discovered the pipe bomb. In the initial reporting on the incident, the Capitol Police claimed that a masked passerby stumbled upon the pipe bomb — but it has since been revealed that the individual was actually a Capitol Police officer in plainclothes.

The officer, who was wearing dark clothes and a backpack, was seen on leaked surveillance footage casually walking up to a D.C. Metropolitan Police vehicle parked in the DNC headquarters’ parking ramp driveway at 1:05 p.m. on January 6, where he reportedly told the officers in the vehicle that he had found a pipe bomb.


He was seen speaking with an officer on the driver’s side of the vehicle before casually strolling around to the passenger side, where he continued to chat with the officers with no apparent concern or rush to deal with the supposed pipe bomb. The plainclothes officer then proceeded to slowly walk to a black Secret Service SUV, which was stopped only 15-20 feet from where the pipe bomb was supposedly located, to speak with the agents inside.

“There was a massive coverup,” Grant Stinchfield, BlazeTV panel guest and host of “Real America’s Voice,” told Gonzales. “This is outside the party headquarters. The surveillance tape — when they went to look for who was there — the DOJ, when they released it, had edited the surveillance tape and they released an edited version so you couldn’t see who dropped the pipe bomb, which is a coverup.”

Gonzales responded by questioning the numerous failures of law enforcement that day, as well as the lack of response from the officers at the scene — pointing out that they felt “safe enough to finish their lunch” in their vehicles before investigating the supposed pipe bomb.

“How did the Secret Service fail to find a bomb prior to Harris’ arrival? Why did operators in the Capitol Police Command Center deliberately redirect CCTV cameras away from the pipe bomb investigation and detonation? Why do the Secret Service Agent and MPD officer feel safe enough to finish their lunch before investigating a pipe bomb 15 feet away?” Gonzales asked.


“We may not ever know the truth,” she added. “But something severely stinks about that entire day.”