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Bible Returned To School Library After Being Banned For ‘Vulgarity Or Violence’

Anastasia Boushee
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A Utah school district has unanimously voted to reinstate the King James version of the Bible to school libraries after it was removed via a formal request.

A petition was submitted to remove the Bible earlier this month, claiming that it contained “vulgarity or violence.” The petition was possible thanks to a state law that allows parents to make formal requests to remove books that contain explicit material considered inappropriate for minors.

The Bible was initially removed in early June of this year, but the school district quickly received several appeal requests, according to a district spokesperson. Following an investigation into the matter, the school board ultimately ruled that the Bible provides significant value for children that outweighs the supposed “vulgarity or violence” it contains.

According to school board President Liz Mumford, who voted in favor of reinstating the Bible, the book contains “serious literary, artistic, historical and political value for minors.”

Thus far, the Davis School District has reviewed 60 different books that were reported to contain explicit material — 37 of which were fully removed from all levels of education, along with 14 books that were partially removed.

The inclusion of these inappropriate books in the school district’s libraries became apparent late last year when state Rep. Ken Ivory (R) shared a slideshow with his colleagues including examples of the disturbing content in these books.

In the presentation, Ivory shared images of various explicit books that were being offered to children — and even provided evidence that one high school library in the district hosted a so-called “Banned Books Week” that included a sign stating: “Find out why these books have been banned in other places (but not in Davis County)!” One of the books included in that event featured a “relationship” between a 10-year-old boy and an adult.


While the left claims that removing these books is “book-banning,” Ivory says that their assertion is just “an attempt to simply, you know, hyperbolize what’s going on; we’re simply clarifying age-appropriate limits.”

These disturbing books are being removed from schools across the country in response to outrage from parents, and even children. Numerous videos have gone viral on social media showing parents and children reading aloud from these books in front of school boards — who often attempt to silence them and claim that the reading is “inappropriate” while also claiming that those same books should be available to children.