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Video Shows School Administrators Discuss Concealing CRT Curriculum

Chris Agee
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A growing number of concerned parents and lawmakers have pushed back in recent years against a leftist agenda they believe is encroaching into public school classrooms across the nation.

One of the most common concerns involves the apparent insertion of critical race theory into otherwise innocuous curricula in order to indoctrinate students with what opponents say is an anti-White worldview.

Many on the left, however, insist that conservatives are fabricating outrage and claim that CRT is only being taught in specialized college courses.


“Let’s be clear: critical race theory is not taught in elementary schools or high schools. It’s a method of examination taught in law school and college that helps analyze whether systemic racism exists,” argued American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten.

Undercover footage filmed during a meeting of Indiana school administrators, however, casts doubt on such assurances.

Accuracy in Media released the video in which officials openly discuss how they hide the core principles of CRT within its Social Emotional Learning curriculum with the intention of keeping parents out of the loop.

“What we’ve decided to do is not call attention to it because when you call attention to it then questions are asked,” admitted Plainfield Community Schools Assistant Superintendent Laura Delvecchio. “And I really believe that you can do more good under the radar.”


Among the CRT-inspired activities that were withheld from parents, according to reports, was something called a “White privilege walk.”

Brad Sheppard, an administrator in another district admitted similar efforts to mislead parents, noting that he has told educators to “avoid” phrases like Social Emotional Learning altogether.

For her part, Martinsville Schools Metropolitan School District administrator Jenny Oakley said that she encourages textbook companies to conceal some of the controversial content included within their materials.

“We have talked to our textbook companies that are coming and do presentations and I actually prep them a little bit because I’m like ‘we want this in our curriculum so if you could just not say specifically this then it won’t cause a red flag with the community’ and I hate that we have to do that but that way it’s still there and they would support it if just the content was there they just–its the title,” she said.